Jorabchi Group
Thank you for visiting the Jorabchi Group. Our group conducts fundamental and applied research in gas-phase ion generation and reactions for applications in environmental, biological, and forensic analyses. Please see the research page for current projects.
Standing openings: Jorabchi group has openings for enthusiastic graduate, undergraduate, and high school researchers. Please contact professor Jorabchi for more information.
Group News
Fall 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Samuel White fro a successful PhD defense! Warm welcome to our newest graduate member, Mustakim Zaman!
Spring 2023: Warm welcome to our newest group members Kelsey O'Malley, Zahra Afhsrasaveh, and Sampson Paonessa!
Fall 2022: Congratulations to Jordan Tanen and Grace Hahm for successfully completing their Required Original proposals.
Summer 2022: Welcome to our summer researchers Camille Kuwana (undergraduate researcher) and Kazim Hall (high school researcher)!
Frenio Redeker and Jordan Tanen present their research at ASMS 2022 in Minneapolis.
Spring 2022: Congratulations to Jordan Tanen for being selected as an ARCS Scholar awardee! Congratulations to Jordan Tanen and Grace Hahm for successfully completing their comprehensive exam.
Fall 2021: Welcome to our new undergraduate group members, Armin Taheripour and Danny Ha! Grace Hahm, Frenio Redeker, and Samuel White, and Tsach Mackey present their research at ASMS 2021 in Philadelphia.
Summer 2021: Congratulations to high school researcher Tsach Mackey for receiving a travel award to ASMS 2021!
Spring 2021: Congratulations to Dr. Kunyu Zheng and Dr. Joseph Lesniewski for their successful PhD defense. Warm welcome to new potsdoctoral group member, Dr. Frenio Redeker! Congratulations to Dr. Michale Dolan Jr. for his successful PhD defense! Congratulations to Wanqing Li for BSc with honors in biochemistry!
Fall 2020: Congratulations to Dr. William McMahon for successful defense of PhD thesis. Warm welcome to new graduate student group members Ayanna Lynch, Grace Hahm, and Jordan Tanen!
Summer 2020: Congratulations to Kunyu Zheng for receiving a Young Investigator Travel Award from Washington-Baltimore Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group!
Warm welcome to new group member Tsach Mackey (high school researcher)!
Spring 2020: Prof. Jorabchi is recognized as one of the five GU Provost's Distinguished Associate Professors in 2020!
Jorabchi group will present a talk and two posters at 2020 ASMS in June.
Fall 2019: Jorabchi group receives a National Science Foundation award to develop new analytical approaches for detection and quantification of fluorochemicals.
Jorabchi group receives a National Institute of Health award to develop next generation of elemental mass spectrometry techniques for facile quantitation of bio-molecules.
Summer 2019: Congratulations to Wanqing Li for receiving a Georgetown University summer research fellowship!
Warm welcome to high school researchers Zara Hall, Melissa Chen, Abheek Pant, and Tyler Metallo!
Jorabchi group members present at ASMS 2019 in Atlanta, GA.
Spring 2019: Congratulations to Joseph Lesniewski for receiving Society for Applied Spectroscopy's Atmic Spectroscopy Student Award! This international award recognizes excellence in the field of atmoic spectroscopy and is accompanied by an invited presentation at SciX 2019.
Jorabchi group is highlighted in the 2019 Young (Bio)-Analytical Investigator issue of Analytical and BioAnalytical Chemistry.
Welcome to Samuel White, newest graduate member of the research group!
Fall 2018: Jorabchi group welcomes Wanqing Li as our newest undergraduate researcher member. Jorabchi group members present research results at SciX 2018 in Atlanta, GA.
Summer 2018: Eldana Tadesse, Zara Hall, and Sebastian Ibarraran join Jorabchi group as summer high school researchers. Professor Jorabchi is promoted to associate professor with tenure in the chemistry department. Jorabchi group members present research results at ASMS 2018 in San Diego, CA.
Sping 2018: Congratulations to Michale Dolan and Joseph Lesniewski for passing their Phase IIB exmas! Professor Jorabchi is granted a US patent for invention of plasma assisted reaction chemical ionization. Shannon Conroy joins the Jorabchi group as the newest graduate researcher.
Fall 2017: Congratulations to Michael Dolan for receiving a prestigious National Institute of Justice STEM graduate fellowship! Joseph Lesnieweski and Kunyu Zheng receive FACSS and Meinhard poster awards at SciX 2017. Professor Jorabchi serves as a national judge for the finals of 2017 Siemens Competition in Math:Science:Technology. See the winners here!
Summer 2017: High school researchers Daisy Yu and Christopher Okorie join Jorabchi group for a summer internship. Jorabchi group presents 3 posters at ASMS 2017, reporitng advances in elemental ioniozation and ion mobility spectromery.
Spring 2017: Rohan Dalvi (high school researcher in Jorabchi group) becomes one of the top 40 National finalists of Regeneron (former Intel) Science Talent Search. Congratulations Rohan! Here is the Washington Post article regarding 2017 finalsist of this prestigious competition.
Congratulations to Kunyu Zheng for passing his Phase IIB exam. Jorabchi group receives a Georgetwon Environmental Initiative grant to expand applications of plasma assisted reaction chemical ionization MS in detection of halogenated compounds.
Fall 2016: Congratulations to William McMahon for receiving an ASMS travel award to present his reseach at 2016 Asilomar Conference in Pacific Grove, CA! Congratulations to William McMahon and Peter Haferl for passing their Phase IIA exams. Prof. Jorabchi serves as Natioanl Judge for 2016 Siemens competition in math, science, and technology.
Summer 2016: High school students Meron Legesse from Wheaton High School and Rohan Dalvi from Montgomery Bliar High School join Jorabchi group for a summer of research. Jorabchi group presents four posters at 2016 ASMS in San Antonio, TX on advancements in ion mobilty and ionization techniques.
Spring 2016: Congratulations to Kunyu Zheng for passing his Phase IIA exam!
Fall 2015: Congratulations to Kunyu Zheng for winning a poster award at SciX 2015!
Kunyu Zheng receives a Georgetown University conference tarvel award. Congratulations to Carina Minardi for successfully defending her PhD thesis!
Arjuna Subramanian and Feven Gezahegn start as freshmen at Princeton University and Haverfod College, respectively.
Postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Haopeng Wang, starts his industrial career at Agilent Technologies as a research scientist.
Welcome to the newest members of our group, Michael Dolan and Joseph Lesniewski!
Summer 2015: Welcome back to high school researchers, Arjuna Subramanian and Feven Gezahegn!
Congratulations to Carina Minardi for receiving a Georgetown University Environmental Initiative grant!
Jorabchi group receives a National Science Foundation grant to develop new methods for detection of halogenated compounds.
Spring 2015: Welcome to the newest members of our group, Peter Haferl and William McMahon!
Fall 2014: Warm welcome to Kunyu Zheng the newest graduate student member of the group!Congratulations to Jorabchi group members for their recognition in various competitions:
Carina Minardi is nominated as a member of the US graduate student deligate to attend 2015 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany.
Arjuna Subramanian was selected as a semifinalist in the Siemens Competition.
Feven Gezahegn won the best poster award among 2014 Wahsington DC area ACS Project SEED students.
Seong Jang started his freshman year in Princeton University.
June 2014: Warm welcome to summer scholars Jordan Beaver (REU undergraduate researcher), Arjuna Subramanian (high school researcher), Salman Ameri (high school researcher), and Feven Gezahegn (ACS SEED high school researcher)!
May 2014: Congratulations to Carina Minardi for passing her Phase IIB exam! Congratulations to Ninghang Lin for passing his Phase IIA exam!
April 2014: Seong Jang will attend Princeton University in Fall 2014. Congratulations Seong!
October 2013: Congratulations to Seong Jang for receiving the first poster prize among Washington DC area SEED students, and for being selected as regional semifinalist in Siemens Competition!
August 2013: Seong Jang completed his second summer research in our group as part of ACS Project SEED.
June 2013: Carina Minardi and Haopeng Wang presented their research at ASMS 2013 in Minneapolis.
March 2013: Two mass spectrometers were added to our fleet of instruments.
December 2012: We welcomed new graduate student Ninghang Lin.
October 2012: Carina Minardi presented her results on droplet-in-oil reagent delivery at SciX (former FACSS) 2012 in Kansas City.
November 2012-April 2013: Annie Ross from Oxon Hill High School completed her independent research in our group as part of her research practicum.
August 2012: We moved to a new state-of-the-art building (Regents Hall).
June 2012: Dr. Haopeng Wang joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher.
Congratulations to Seong Jang from Thomas Jefferson High School for receiving an ACS Project SEED summer support to do research in our group!
May 2012: Congratulations to Carina Minardi for receiving an NSF Graduate Fellowship!